About Areastudies.com

Areastudies.com was incorporated in 2018 and acquired the rights to the database group of Reference Corp., a publisher of reference books for more than 40 years. Creating a new model of database development and marketing, Areastudies.com can be more responsive to client information requirements while implementing a new model of database curation.

The Areastudies.com databases are rich resources of key primary source documents offering historical and current insight into the complex interplay of issues, people, and events impacting political, economic, and social development around the world. In addition to the complete text of primary source documents, the reference books and databases also provide bibliographic coverage of journals, books, and magazines. All database content is intensively indexed with subject, geographic, and corporate/identifier descriptors. Fiultext searching of each database is also available. Collectively delivering more than 8 million records, with some 75% of the content comprising the complete text of primary source documents, the suite of reference databases provide comprehensive information resources for researchers in academic, government, nongovernmental, and commercial settings.

As we reload the databases through 2018, you will notice better quality and faster searches which will be the product of our retrospective re-indexing of all the existing files, and the addition of much new material.

Institutional access to the Areastudies.com databases is available on a subscription basis, with access by IP authentication. Access can also be set up for individual researchers and short term research use. Please contact us at areastudies@att.net for a free trial evaluation of the databases and more information.

Areastudies.com supports the NISO SERU (http://www.niso.org/) approach to the use of electronic resources.

New Database Developments

We are completing the development of a new American Studies database that will be introducted in 2019.

We are suspending new subscriptions to Tordesillas: Luso-Hispanic World database (TOR) until it is reintroduced in 2020 All existing subscribers to TOR will have their suvscriptions extended at no additional cost intil mid-2020.

Important User Information

Remote access to Areastudies.com’s databases is permitted to patrons of subscribing institutions accessing from remote locations for personal, non-commercial use. However, remote access to Areastudies.com’s databases from non-subscribing institutions is not allowed if the purpose of the use is for commercial gain through cost reduction or avoidance for a non-subscribing institution.
